Critical South, a book series of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs published by Polity, aims to galvanize cross-regional conversations and expand the spatial-temporal, linguistic sense of contemporary critical theory. The series publishes texts from important traditions in critical thought emerging from the southern hemisphere that have generally not entered into discussions of critical theory in English, translating works that redefine the global scope and foci of critical thought for the present.

Editors: Victoria Collis-Buthelezi, Natalia Brizuela, and Leticia Sabsay

Advisory Board: Diego Falconí, Nacira Guénif-Souilamas, Poulomi Saha, Felwine Sarr, and Françoise Vergès

Critical South Titles

Texturing Difference
Toussaint Louverture
The War against Women
On Tropical Grounds
We, the Decolonized
The Caribbean Race Reader
The Revolution Will Be a Poetic Act
Ancestral Future
Ibn Khaldun and the Social Sciences
Spheres of Insurrection
Life Is Not Useful
To Write the African World
The Politics of Time: Imagining African Becomings
Fugitive, Where Are You Running?
The Scent of the Father
Undoing Apartheid
From Ashes to Text
Decolonial Ecology
Memory and Autobiography
Error, Illusion, Madness
Seven Essays on Populism cover
Colonial Trauma
Memory and Autobiography
Doing Justice
The Myth of Economic Development
Not One Less
The Black Register
On Practices and Discourses of Decoloisation
Resolutely Black
The Haitian Revolution
Modernity and "Whiteness"
Plebian Prose
Eruptions of Memory